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Suneday (Sunny-day , Soon-day , Sunday)

ARTIST BIO Suneday is an upcoming performing artist, producer, videographer, and photographer. His love for the arts is fueled by finding a vision and inspiration in just about everything. His genre of music is gospel/hip hop/R&b/indie & many more. Suneday is a great example of bringing art & fun back into music. He mixes different genres and sounds together, like adding pieces to a musical puzzle. He also produces his own music & directs his own music videos. Through many trials and error from shooting videos and conducting songs, Suneday has grown to appreciate the lessons behind his craft. His major goal is to radiate positivity into all of his music & to also give people a front row ticket to the many thoughts that go on within his mind. One way he does this is by portraying characters of different personalities & alter egos. He is a God-fearing young man and gives God glory in all of his art. ARTIST STATEMENT My work over the past 2 years as a performing artist has captured emotions and truth that can be shared with a variety of people from different walks of life. I don’t just focus on one genre; I create a sound of melodies that radiates positivity by including God. While also being a visual artist, I capture vivid backgrounds, while at the same time highlighting subtle commodities to attract your eye. It is my intention to bring positivity, beauty, creativity, and more in depth thinking through my craft.