Prince Davenport

Prince Davenport is a musician and photographer. I play an array of instruments such as violin,viola,steel pan, and other forms of percussion. Through my instrumentation I produce various forms of genres ranging from classical to hip hop. I have a keen passion for black and white portrait photos and colored, using various tools such as colored gels. The art of photographing allows me to document and preserve memories in everything I do - music, education, relationships and beyond. Properly capturing an image at a moment in time is a commitment to embodiment, to being able to fully focus and stay still. The practice of capturing a crisp, clear image is a staple of determination; when the image is finally and properly captured, reflecting on it gives me a sense of relief. It is unique to me, and the steps and skills I have taken can not be taken by anyone else. I have become aware of how distinct and precise my surroundings are. It is a view of a specific time and memory no one else can experience. It has created this newfound idea to me; “Anything that your eye can see, a camera lens can capture ''. Using photography, I am able to preserve more memories later in my life, I will be able to use photography to document my progression in life at college, my career, the family I create, and the family my kids create. I plan to pursue my passion of arts in college and plan to photograph fellow musicians and artists who are an influence to me.