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Lance G. Newman II

”Jack of all trades, master of none... but better than the master of one. . . . . . . . . Lance G. Newman II has been writing and performing in and around Louisville, since he was 13 years of age. Lance is a poet, visual artist, instructor/facilitator, author, and performing artist and host. As the founder of SpreadLovEnterprise; Lance uses his long standing relationship with the city to teach, encourage, and conduct poetry workshops and spoken word events in schools, museums and other art facilities. He was a co-founder and member of the poetry and music collective Roots & Wings, and serves as the executive director for the non-profit 'Young Poets of Louisville.' Lance uses his own poetry and spoken-word events as a method to raise awareness, build community, and inspire creative social change. He is the spark and curator of the cityscape project, 'Love in The Street," where local poets have had their poems etched into the concrete; a Hadley Creative Fellow, who has created several visual art pieces; and in 2017, he helped Louisville play host the nations largest poetry festival called the 'Southern Fried Poetry Slam.' This renaissance man wears many different hats for a living, but the thoughts and efforts underneath those hats all stem from his motto, "Spread Love!"