V. Miholic

After decades in educational practice (post-secondary English and Education instruction, Dean of Arts and Sciences, secondary principal, and training management), time has allowed transition from the language arts and curricular duties to fully realize my visual arts creative side. While I have dabbled professionally with words and avocationally in photography, I am new to a full-time, vocational creative endeavor. Although an amateur, novice, or primitive practitioner, wherever I fit in the pigeon-hole, my first dive into deeper water has been the creation of a series of totem poles. I am also in the process of developing a comic series. A few pieces of my photography and glimpses of the totem poles are attached. My CV content is largely academic (and not included it in this profile); however, if you are interested, a sample of my educational product can be found at ERIC, http://eric.ed.gov/?q=Vincent+Miholic as well as another splash of words via the Association of Talent Development, https://www.to.org/user/about/Vincent Miholic (the taxonomy and zen articles are my favorites). Formatively as an undergraduate, some 40+ years back, I was fortunate to have studied under Joy Harjo and Mark Harris. Now, however, I’ve moved a bit from words and onto the visual media. From totems to paint on canvass, shadow boxes, a cartoon tragedy, and a few other ideas up my sleeve, I hope my journey and art pique an interest.