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Osereime Aimua

      As an artist, my objective is to motivate, inspire, and generate reflection through my work. I am grateful to possess a gift that can touch the world visually and emotionally. I want my art to stop people in their tracks. I feel that I haven’t done my job as an artist if the viewer doesn’t take a few moments to look at the work.  I want everyone who sees my art to be touched, and inspired to push their gifts to their limits.           My art is primarily an extension of my overall creative being which stems from personal efforts to seek clarity on my lineage as a southern black man, and opens broadly to explore concerns and notions about identity, culture and mix heritage. Inspiration and influences to create the body of work comes to me from several artists in different disciplines.  I embrace these various ideas by merging traditional African symbolism alongside everyday images of today’s American culture. The work itself includes drawing, painting and sculpture. Layering and collage are visible throughout the body of the work which illustrates the complexity of the individual. The use of dry media is consistent throughout the work. The use of different media superimposed on one another expresses the complexity of an artist trying to find oneself and a place in the ever changing world of art.   About Osereime The name Osereime means “God’s Gift” in the Nigerian language. Knowing this, he tries his best to live up to the name through art and life. Contributions from a support system resulted to him sticking to the guidelines he has set for himself. The influence of family, friends , mentors, and colleagues forged a laser like focus, determination, and strong work ethic into Osereime which shaped him into a successful artist with limitless potential. Life had its peaks and valleys for Osereime, but one thing stayed constant in his life and served as a beacon. The desire and passion to create fuels his soul and serves as a guide on his artistic journey. With this as a driving force of motivation in developing his craft, Osereime went on to pursue art at a professional level which led to achieveing a Bachelor's of Arts and a Master's of Fine Arts. Taking the route through the realm of academia led to meeting exceptional and like minded individuals who shared similar goals which led to building confidence and encouragement to discover his true destiny. This was a contrast of being a product of a small town environment where very few could fantom the idea of pursuing a career as a creative and going as far as obtaining higher education to do so. A welcomed change in Osereime's life, as he was compelled to advance his art forward reaching levels he never thought possible of obtaining. This with the newly discovered sense of being able to create without limits or boundaries became the kindling that lit the fire in his artistic soul which can be seen burning brightly in every composition he touches. Osereime went through many transitions and evolutions throughout his artistic career but a shift that proved to become pivotal in his growth transpired during Graduate School at Howard University. The focus and scope of the work he attempted to produce at first seemed to weigh more on a complex and somewhat lofty narrative directed at impressing the world of art which resulted in a stunt of growth. After a brief struggle with self discovery in the form of an " artist's block" he realized that to truly make an impact one must create what's real to them and your voice in art will truly manifest . After this revelation, his art evolved and matured into a strong body of work which started an authentic dialogue with the viewer as well as a unique proclamation of goals and aspirations as a contributing member of the artist community.