Michael Futreal

Michael Futreal (b. 1971) is a composing/improvising multi-instrumentalist musician working from Shreveport, LA, where he builds instruments, creates video art, and performs with his trio Twang Darkly. Both in terms of instrumentation and composition, Futreal seeks to work outside the commodification and conformity that characterize the music creation and consumption industries, pursuing improvisational, non-genre, jazz-adjacent “rural space music” based primarily around polymodal chromaticism. Through use of his own handcrafted electroacoustic instruments of gourd, bamboo, and reclaimed materials, Futreal places the “rustic” in concert with more commonplace tools such as guitars and digital technologies to emphasize themes of exploration, imagination, and landscape, following a DIY path that posits avant-folk artistry as a viable alternative to the more sanitized output of 21st century music.