Madeline Marak

Present, perceptive, engaged with my surroundings, and noticing the unnoticed, my work promotes awareness. It acknowledges the overlooked and connects to the unconsidered. I begin by slowing down and observing what’s underfoot. Walking through my neighborhood, I explore the interstitial spaces of the urban environment. I focus my attention where the built and natural environment collide to create a negotiated space that is anthropocene. I create images of the places where concrete and grass touch. These areas form boundaries between inhabited and uninhabited space, developed and undeveloped land, the built and the un-built. These moments of the urban landscape are normalized, unconsidered, and uncontested in our daily consciousness. My work combines digital images and oil paintings that reveal a mediated space between reality and my experience of it. I acknowledge the framework, the lens, and the guise through which I see the natural world. The act of perceiving and representing is integral to the conception of the work. Through painting and photography, I represent natural urban spaces around me and my exploration of them.