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Kyndall Spence

I am a painter from North Louisiana. I received my BFA in May 2021 and am currently teaching middle school but looking to obtain an MFA in the near future. I make abstract acrylic paintings. I often refer to them as "abstract landscapes," because they capture the essence of an imagined world. I use bright, vibrant colors to make my paintings more approachable because art is accessible and for everyone! I paint abstract landscapes to illustrate how the human mind interprets arbitrary shapes and colors. I have gotten the opportunity to hear how people view my works, often in ways different from my intention. The viewer is a part of the work, left to interpret it how they see fit. Each painting has its own meaning to me, but it is unnecessary for the viewer to know how I feel about them. Becoming more focused on the process, shapes, and colors gives me the freedom to work the way that I am most productive, rather than fixating on the end result.