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Kristin Sorensen

Kristin has spent the majority of her life creating. From an early age she enjoyed doodling, painting, and just generally making fun creative messes. In college she studied art and art history, graduating with with a degree in Art History and a great knowledge and eye for design. She has worked her art into every aspect of her life since then — taking on graphic design, hand lettering, and interior and mural design. As a muralist, she has worked in both residences and businesses working with both paint and chalk.

Artist Statement: Her current artwork is a personal journey into the ideas of home, femininity, and the sublime. She explores questions like “where do I feel God the most?” and “What is femininity to me?” Prayer and artistic meditation are large players in answering those questions. Enjoying brighter than realistic colors, Kristin aspires to add brilliance and joy to the world with her work. Large florals and dramatic landscapes are her favorite subjects.