Peter Klubek

My work explores the phenomena of selfies, identity, non-verbal communication, and human interaction. At one time social networks largely promoted lunch and sunsets. But increasingly these have been replaced by carefully curated life updates, and career achievements where very little is sacred and art has been replaced with content. I examine these aspects through the depiction of faces that often appear broken through ripped, cut, and torn watercolors that are then reassembled with additional pages and paper removed from books. These images represent, perhaps, a more complete depiction of ourselves. Everyone is broken in one form or another, and we are all patched back together with words and thoughts that occupy our being. With this in mind, I try to match the content from the book pages with that of the image using the text as a separate layer. Pages from law books are some of my favorites to use as the law provides a framework for our society and the cases involve human interaction. As viewers take in my work, I am fascinated with the idea of my work looking back. My paintings are not traditional portraits of individuals, but rather images of people with problems that help inform identity.