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Ibrahim Bassam Fashho

My name is Ibrahim Bassam Fashho. I'm 43 and a sequential artist working and living in Shreveport, Louisiana. I'm a graduate of Savannah College of Art and Design with a degree in Sequential Art & Communications. Also a graduate from Louisiana State University of Shreveport with a degree in Communication, History & Political Studies and a degree in Visual Art Studies.

Artist Statement: Most of my ideas that influence my work and motivate my imagination come from my love of comic books, manga, movies, video games, music, horror, science fiction, many styles of art, comedy, my analytical observations from everyday life, and most especially the natural world around us. I mostly draw with pencil and ink. Traditional/Analogue artist through and through using Micron technical pens, Drawing nibs and ink, and Pentel brush pens to draw and create a majority of my illustrations and sketches. Every now and again I'll dabble in digital art using my iPad with Procrete, Clip Studio Paint and Photoshop too, but nothing beats pencil, pen and paper in my opinion. I believe variety is the spice of life and that art is what you make of it. I'm always focusing, observing and remembering. It's a mantra I live by and it guides my art towards a finishing point that satisfies my overall process as I complete each drawing and illustration I come up with. If someone gets some enjoyment and sparks of creativity from my art then it truly brings a smile to my heart, and if not then I'll just keep drawing anyway, because I can't stop drawing. It's who I am and who I'll be until my last day in this world. I hope I can keep drawing and creating in the next one.