Artist Statement Imran photographic practice has developed from a Fine Art background in contemporary digital art and photography. Always trying to explore the beauty or essence of the subject and hidden qualities inside it, his work explores ideas of vision, touch, and the nature of experience and exploration. The work combines painterly texture, lens based media and digital technologies. Two of his great passions in life are travel and documenting story through the art of photography. He believes that travel broadens one’s view of the world. Experiencing other cultures, meeting people from other communities and other countries and seeing the beauty and explore culture and social behavior, of the world has helped him understand that all of our lives are at once interconnected and individual. However different communities and culture he explored he become a much more tolerant and broad-minded person as a result. He has been a travel more then 280 cities from South East Asia, Asia Pacific to Europe, UK, Middle East and USA. And his journey continues while exploring innovative ideas and he is citizen of the world. “He likes to add his multicultural experience as observer without being biased to his work”. current location: US (Bossiercity)

Skin Diary