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Church Rowe

I was involved in performing music quite early; school and church, primarily. I became enamored with sound before I can remember. At 12 years old, our church pastor and his family decided to move on from our congregation. It stirred me enough to write and perform my first song on piano. Songwriting became a primary focus of my love for music. It became and still is the way I can communicate, thoroughly. I've picked up numerous instruments since then (I'm now 45); guitars have become my primary instrument, however, bass and drums have become a close second. I've been involved in local bands since high school; The Collaboration Project, Johnny Something, and The Wanderer's Drift. My new recording collective project has been releasing songs under the name Church and State. While writing songs started the journey, I have for the past 10 years dove into recording, mixing, and mastering our projects.

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