C.B. Armstrong

In the not-so-distant, almost invisible land of Shreveport, lived a small black boy. This boy had a powerful imagination but none of the focus needed to bring it to its fullest fruition. His name was Charles. Thank you narrator, I'll take it from here. I've been an artist for I don't know how long. For now, let's say- since I was 7. In the first grade, I was diagnosed with ADHD and poor vision syndrome, which some of you may call Astigmatism. I mean seriously, that must be some type of cruel divine joke. To have the insatiable urge to create, but to also a neurological disorder that makes it extremely difficult to focus, plus vision so bad that my glasses might as well be binoculars. Despite the universe loading my backpack full of rocks more diverse than the public schools I went to; I decided that artistic expression was the only way to live. Within my work, you can see introspection, a yearning for vision, and a little honesty about the small boy I was and whatever I am now. Furthermore, my work is dedicated to helping others explore the human psyche with unusual lenses. As a creative, I strive to present a unique perspective, to capture human emotion, and to strangle the universe into a more fathomable form. My canvases are usually bright and vibrant, but don't be fooled by their incandescent veneer. The objective is to pull you in, then when close enough, lay a disarming concept bare before your defenses go up. Outside of confronting myself, I choose to confront the issues that exist within us all. There are bigger things going on in the not-so-distant land and everywhere else, things that shouldn't be so invisible. In more ways than one, we all lack focus and vision. To summarize, I make art and stuff. Back to you narrator. And there he goes, off to karate chop the encroaching authoritarian government in the throat. Thank you for reading.